Time Zone: New York 08-02-2025 (Sat) 15:06:10 London 08-02-2025 (Sat) 20:06:10 Berlin 08-02-2025 (Sat) 21:06:10
Bunnys Candy! everytime on login.  Bunnys Candy! everytime on login.

API for developers

Developers' APIs for the call-back of crypto data and transactions.

Developers API

Public & Private APIs

APIs for Developers

Public APIs v0.10.0.0

Developers Public APIs v0.10.0.0. Free API call-back time difference should be about 5 seconds.

Binance Smart Contract (BSC) Mainnet

NOTE: All parameters & values should be in small caps.

Paramer Name      | Value                                       | Description                 | Final URL
- action          | totalsupply                                 | action=totalsupply: Returns | /?action=totalsupply
                                                                  the total number of
                                                                  supply of the token or 
                  | totalcsupply                                | action=totalcsupply:        | /?action=totalcsupply
                                                                  Returns the total number of 
                                                                  circulated supply of the 
                                                                  token or coin.
                  | currentbalance                              | action=currentbalance:      | /?action=currentbalance
                                                                  Returns the current balance 
                                                                  of the provided token or 
                                                                  coin address.

- name            | azuray                                      | name=azuray: Returns the    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=azuray
                                                                  spcific token or coin's 
- symbol          | azy                                         | symbol=azy: Returns the     | /?action=totalcsupply&name=azuray&symbol=azy
                                                                  spcific token or coin's 
- mainnet         | bsc                                         | mainnet=bsc: Returns the    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=azuray&symbol=azy&mainnet=bsc
                                                                  spcific mainnet's token or 
                                                                  coin's results.
- address         | 0xbcecdb76d6fa7cdfc1664712beb2ad3ccbcccae4  | Return the results of the 
                                                                  provided token or coin 
                                                                  address.                    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=azuray&symbol=azy&mainnet=bsc&address=

Get Total Supply

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=totalsupply&name=azuray&symbol=azy &mainnet=bsc&address=0xbcecdb76d6fa7cdfc1664712beb2ad3ccbcccae4

Get Total Circulated Supply

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=totalcsupply&name=azuray&symbol=azy &mainnet=bsc&address=0xbcecdb76d6fa7cdfc1664712beb2ad3ccbcccae4

Get Current Balance

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=currentbalance&name=azuray&symbol=azy &mainnet=bsc&address=0xbcecdb76d6fa7cdfc1664712beb2ad3ccbcccae4

Polygon Mainnet

NOTE: All parameters & values should be in small caps.

Paramer Name      | Value                                       | Description                 | Final URL
- action          | totalsupply                                 | action=totalsupply: Returns | /?action=totalsupply
                                                                  the total number of
                                                                  supply of the token or
                  | totalcsupply                                | action=totalcsupply:        | /?action=totalcsupply
                                                                  Returns the total number 
                                                                  of circulated supply of  
                                                                  the token or coin.
                  | currentbalance                              | action=currentbalance:      | /?action=currentbalance
                                                                  Returns the current balance 
                                                                  of the provided token or 
                                                                  coin address.

- name            | odematic                                    | name=azuray: Returns the    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=odematic
                                                                  spcific token or coin's 
- symbol          | odm                                         | symbol=azy: Returns the     | /?action=totalcsupply&name=odematic&symbol=odm
                                                                  spcific token or coin's 
- mainnet         | polygon                                     | mainnet=bsc: Returns the    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=odematic&symbol=odm&mainnet=polygon
                                                                  spcific mainnet's token or 
                                                                  coin's results.
- address         | 0xcd8ce26c688df79e2bef6a414b47b37ceeed3934  | Return the results of the 
                                                                  provided token or coin 
                                                                  address.                    | /?action=totalcsupply&name=odematic&symbol=odm&mainnet=polygon&address=

Get Total Supply

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=totalsupply&name=odematic&symbol=odm &mainnet=polygon&address=0xcd8ce26c688df79e2bef6a414b47b37ceeed3934

Get Total Circulated Supply

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=totalcsupply&name=odematic&symbol=odm &mainnet=polygon&address=0xcd8ce26c688df79e2bef6a414b47b37ceeed3934

Get Current Balance

https://www.c-exins.co/developers/api/v0.1.0/?action=currentbalance&name=odematic&symbol=odm &mainnet=polygon&address=0xcd8ce26c688df79e2bef6a414b47b37ceeed3934


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Subscribe our social media links to get new Offers, Oppertunities, News Letters, Alterts and crypto currency markets & crypto trading updates. C-EXINS Blockchain department, Odeonus.

C-EXINS Cryptocurrency, NFT Collections

Our wonderful NFT Collections are designed to mold some common graphics but the design and representation is very unique. NFTs that designed for the project based blockchain developments, web3 and for the funding of an enterprise application developments.
Purchase or Sell of one of the C-EXINS NFT Collections is very easy and profitable. Your profit beccause of our strategies would not be redurce. C-EXINS Blockchain Services department, Odeonus.

Azuray AZY

Technically Azuray AZY built on BEP20 Binance Smart Contract Network. Azuray AZY is a Part of our project 'Project VR'. Get your AZY place your order Now!


Habitant HBT

Habitant HBT is also built on BEP20 Binance Smart Contract Network. It is a token that would help parties in our project 'Project VR'. Get your HBT place your order Now!


OdeMatic ODM

OdeMatic ODM is also built on ERC20 Polygon Smart Contract Network. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout


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